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March 24, 2008


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If Russia is successful, however, its already mighty energy reserves would be given a massive boost—although there is still doubt about the technical feasibility of extracting oil and gas from the Arctic.Despite growing concerns over the way Moscow uses its energy for political gain, Russian scientists have repeatedly pledged that there is no intention to grab any part of the Arctic.“A unilateral annexation of the area by Russia is impossible,” said Viktor Posyolov of the Russian Institute of Ocean Geology, which has led the Arctic exploration. “We will strictly abide by the UN convention.”

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  • We'll have a lot of decisions to make in the face of Arctic climate change. This blog is about the range of available choices, and about the tradeoffs involved in making them. Ben Muse, an Alaskan economist, is the blogger. Muse works for a resource management agency. However, any opinions expressed here are his and not necessarily the positions of any former or current employer. In the interests of full disclosure, Muse's current employer has fisheries, marine habitat, endangered species, and marine mammal management responsibilities in the Arctic.

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