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January 14, 2010


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Hi, my name is Ava and I'm the blog moderator for a marine site called The Reef Tank (http://www.thereeftank.com)

Had a particular question to ask you, Ben, but there's no e-mail address available. Can you please e-mail me at [email protected]? Thank you for your time.


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All this is cable is going to help the non usa companys to rake alaska of it oil and gold to Tokyo and London I say don't let them do it It should be only USA companys at pumpo oiland mine other metal, wood from Alaska that the mony say in the USA & alaska Not london (BP)BE american buy from only USA OWN Company Are Country would be better off.

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I've been reading a lot about this issue and you're right because the Cable access will have a big impact in rural Alaska and we can't avoid this situation,specially if we're interesting in that communities. 23jj


Thanks for such an informative article, it's been very useful.

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About Arctic Economics

  • We'll have a lot of decisions to make in the face of Arctic climate change. This blog is about the range of available choices, and about the tradeoffs involved in making them. Ben Muse, an Alaskan economist, is the blogger. Muse works for a resource management agency. However, any opinions expressed here are his and not necessarily the positions of any former or current employer. In the interests of full disclosure, Muse's current employer has fisheries, marine habitat, endangered species, and marine mammal management responsibilities in the Arctic.

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