Linda Jakobson of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute reports that potential Arctic sea routes to New York and Europe have attracted the attention of the Chinese: China prepares for an ice-free Arctic:
Because China’s economy is
reliant on foreign trade, there are substantial commercial implications
if shipping routes are shortened during the summer months each year.
Nearly half of China’s gross domestic product (GDP) is thought to be
dependent on shipping. The trip from Shanghai to Hamburg via the
Northern Sea Route—which runs along the north coast of Russia from the
Bering Strait in the east to Novaya Zemlya in the west—is 6400
kilometres shorter than the route via the Strait of Malacca and the
Suez Canal... Moreover, due to piracy, the cost of
insurance for ships travelling via the Gulf of Aden towards the Suez
Canal increased more than tenfold between September 2008 and March 2009.