The RTS index of Russian stocks began to decline in mid-May:
Source: Bloomberg investment tools.
prices (and broader commodity indices) wouldn't peak for weeks, the war
with Georgia didn't start until August, and the Putin/Medvedev
predation on corporate Russia had been obvious for years. Why was May
2008 a turning point?
Clifford Gaddy says it was oil prices: Russia's Stock Market Fall: It's All About Oil but Simon-Erik Ollus identifies some spring-specific factors: The global financial turbulence and Russia:
is not an isolated country. The global financial turbulence has proved
this fact in the recent months. When the American financial crisis
started in summer 2007, Russia still appeared as a quite safe
investment country with a high rate of return and a low risk. Russian
firms did in 2008 still IPOs for a record of 18 billion dollars, and
the cash flow to the country in dollars continued to grow, as the oil
price climbed. The economy boomed and the market value of Russian firms
grew rapidly in recent years. In the spring 2008, there were 13 Russian
firms among the world 500 largest firms by market value, while still a
year earlier there were only eight. Russian business seemed to enjoy a
period of renaissance and rapid growth
early 2008 we started to see some changes, and some Russian firms
started to cancel their planned IPOs as the international demand fell.
In 2008 Russian firms have done so far IPOs for only 1 billion dollars,
all during the spring. Some Russian corporations complained already in
spring that international interest rates stared to climb and lending
was harder, but any financial crisis in Russia was still far from
expected. In
May 2008, we started to see the first real signs of some disturbance.
International oil prices started to decline and the problems with
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac showed us that the American crisis is worse
than we first expected. American institutional investors started to
withdraw capital from abroad and Russia, which was seen in modest
decline of the two main Russia stock indexes: RTS and MICEX.