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September 19, 2008


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I can see some of the negative effects, but also the positives. People tend to try and get more if they are worried that everyone else will take everything.

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I hope they will go for it because I know it will significantly enhance the biological and economic performance part of the of business.


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Privatising nature is highly undesirable and simply will lead to more mismanagement and overexploitation of the commons. Regardless of who owns what, richer states will bully their poorer cousions into giving them what they need. Out of desperation, these states will deprive their own people and the cycle will continue. And who will suffer the most? The most vulnerable – the ultra poor and the indigenous people.

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Really interesting post - almost a window to the future of fisheries.

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Strategies to achieve sustainable wild fish benefits are many and diverse. Should we explore extending property rights for fish to nonharvesting entities as another possible strategy for managing some commercial fisheries?

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