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December 07, 2009


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cliff meneken

And then we wouldn't have had Sarah Palin to contend with!

r4i gold

Really Alaska is a great place. The people who say it is not worth it may have taken a tour. Many tours are expensive and don't show the real Alaska. Often you can see the same places, plus more, for a lot less money if you plan your own trip.


You are ignoring the Palin effect. Without Alaska, we would not have had Palin. Without Palin, McCain would have had a different running mate, and without Palin's bumbling interviews, there would have been a much better chance of McCain winning (and, more hideously, Palin being the VP).

Thus, acquisition of Alaska = so valuable it's beyond comprehension.

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Just take the oil and natural gas alone and it was well worth it.

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Thus, acquisition of Alaska = so valuable it's beyond comprehension.


Yes Catherine The IInd was a stupid to sell Alaska...now it's a great place and I guess it is worth it 1000 times.

hgh releasers

God bless Alaska. And it's oil reserves :)

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