I don't think this: G-8 Leaders Give Lamy a Month for a New WTO Accord (Bloomberg, July 17):
Group of Eight leaders today called for a ``concerted effort'' to conclude five-year-old trade talks and gave World Trade Organization Director General Pascal Lamy another month to suggest a way to reach an agreement.
...will do as much good as this: Blair leads call for France to cut back farm subsidies (Larry Elliott, The Guardian, July 17):
Tony Blair was last night seeking to orchestrate concerted European pressure to prod a reluctant France into bigger cuts in farm protection as stalled global trade talks entered a make-or-break two weeks.
With the G8 due to hold discussions with five leading developing countries in St Petersburg today, Downing Street sources said the prime minister was "singing from the same song sheet" as the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, the Italian prime minister, Romano Prodi, and the EU commissioner, Jose Barroso.
Heads of government from the world's eight leading industrial powers, in Russia will join their counterparts from Brazil, China, South Africa, Mexico and India tomorrow in an attempt to give momentum to the negotiations that started in Doha, Qatar in 2001. (Bloomberg story above)