Thumbs up - sort of - for the FTAs with Peru and Panama, thumbs down for Korea and Columbia: Pelosi, Hoyer, Rangel, and Levin Statement on Trade (Speaker's office, June 29).
This story from The Hill:Pelosi indicates delays on Bush-backed trade deals (Ian Swanson, June 29) indicates that the Democrats don't plan to push forward rapidly on the Peru and Panama deals.
Here's the Democratic statement of where they plan to go:
“We will continue working to improve our trade policy, while at the same time addressing the increased economic insecurity faced by American families. We expect to move forward in the near future with legislation to address the growing imbalance in trade with China, strengthen overall enforcement of U.S. trade agreements and U.S. trade laws, as well as overhaul and improve support to ensure that American workers and firms remain the most competitive in the world.
“Our legislative priorities do not include the renewal of fast track authority. Before that debate can even begin, we must expand the benefits of globalization to all Americans, including taking the actions outlined above. We hope that the Administration will join us in these efforts."
Revised June 29.