Cordell Hull

  • Cordell Hull, U.S. Secretary of State, 1933-1944; Nobel Peace Prize winner, ardent free trader

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    John E. Rhea, Esq.

    If speaking withinn the context of improving human rights, it might be charitably diplomatic to ease the U.S. Embargo against Cuba. However, the U.S. is but one country, one trading partner and one source of revenue for the Cuban economy. That said, a change in the U.S. position without demonstrative efforts on the part of the Castro Regime would be irresponsible. Presently, Cuba has several significant trading partners, yet the people on the ground continue to suffer harsh inequities. U.S. trade flows with Cuba will not remedy that which plagues that nation.

    PR Girl

    Everyone interested in the Cuba trade embargo issue is invited to attend the first Cuba Trade Expo in Miami on March 19 and 20. The two-day conference will feature academic and business luminaries who will address issues and opportunities related to U.S.-Cuba relations in the face of impending legislative changes promised by the 112th Congress and the Obama administration. For more details, contact [email protected].

    Forex Trading

    I do think that what you say sound very promising! There are many opportunities lying in this country, but Cuba's problems will not be solved buy this. Perhaps the US could support Cuba in other ways to make sure change is near.

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