Cordell Hull

  • Cordell Hull, U.S. Secretary of State, 1933-1944; Nobel Peace Prize winner, ardent free trader

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    « Where do the Presidential Candidates Stand on Trade? | Main | "Trade and Empire" »



    This is a great compilation, Ben. It's good to actually see their congressional voting records side by side.

    Kudos on the new website look. Also, I didn't know Borjas had a blog.


    Small problem with that -- and you know it, to judge by the way you scare-quoted "free": Those so-called "free" trade agreements are about anything but "free" trade. Real free trade is just that -- free. Not regulated. Not brokered. Not politically maneuvered. Just free. Contrary to that, these "free" trade agreements are mostly about limits, not freedoms.

    Economists for Obama

    We have a close comparison of statements by Clinton and Obama on trade here:

    Paula Stern

    It is useful to see one gauge of making such an assessment. It must be said that Congress plays a limited role in trade policy. In spite of the fact that the Constitution gives Congress the power to regulate foreign commerce, Congress is limited to following, not leading the President. Thus the votes of these three Senators says little about how they would shape policy once one becomes the occupant of the White House. (The data points on Senator Obama are slim.)

    Hillary Clinton has been most the most forward thinking by shaping practical solutions (training, education, controlling health care costs, etc.) to equip a competitive workforce to assure that Americans will benfit from global technological and commercial change.


    I always like to see economists keeping these guys....urrr and girl in line.

    I like your blog, and fits in with what the community of bloggers that I am putting together at http://political

    Why don't you check it out. We would like to add you to the community. Oh, it's free and you can import your typepad blog once you sign up.

    Kristi in Hawaii

    I appreciate the informaton on this site. I was amazed at the number of times Obama didn't vote. He wasn't even in the Senate (NIS). How can we get a clear idea of his position on any particular policy if he doesn't even show up to vote for it. Hillary clearly has a grasp on these issues and more importantly shows she cares by showing up to vote to toughen trade standards, Obama talks and talks and talks and even when journalist ask him a tough question on NAFTA, he deflects the answer by changing the subject and they just let him get away with it.


    Is it true that John McCain has had a pro-liberal voting record in Congress, and specifically, what liberal policies has he voted for?

    Happy Dae

    I think this is a useful comparison. I'd also like to see a comparison of their Human Rights stances, the War on Terriers, and the committees to which they belong.

    Thank you!
    Happy Dae.


    It occurs to me that one might be interested in what the protection is for. If, for instance, banana subsidies help some poor banana producers around the world but harm some that is one thing. If, corn subsidies are causing hunger around the world but benefit US farmers that is another thing.

    Just a thought, -Nicole


    apotheon has it correct... these so called "free" trade agreements are anything BUT free! Managed trade is the better word. Who would be impressed with a high voting score of managed trade? Thousands of Americans have lost their jobs thanks to these managed trade agreements. McCain's high score here definitely puts him in a unfavorable position.

    andrew yarnot

    What the hell is 0 1 or NIS - typical void of common sense


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    for example, although the votes on trade promotion authority in 2002 are probably more important than the vote on the FTA with Morocco, they have been weighted equally (although I've used three trade promotion related votes, so maybe some of this weighting is picked up

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