The comment period for the Treasury CFIUS regulations closes in another week (June 9). Here's the proposed rule: Regulations Pertaining to Mergers, Acquisitions, and Takeovers by Foreign Persons Federal Register, April 23).
The Federal government regulation web page pulls together the proposed rule, related documents, and public comments. The page is set up to permit the public to provide comments on a web form. The site may be accessed at Type "FINSA" into one of the seach boxes on the initial screen. This will bring up a screen with references to the proposed rule. At the bottom of the segment on the FINSA rule there is a line reading "View this document." It has two icons; the second will take you to a list of all relevant documents for the proposed rule. So far there are reports of a meeting and conference call, and a comment submitted by the Association of British Insurers. I assume most of the comments will come in at the last moment.
Philip Thompson of Duane Morris Ltd describes the proposed rule, placing it in the context of last year's action by Congress: United States: Treasury Department Issues Proposed Regulations Governing Review of Foreign Investment in the United States (May 22, 2008).