Altmire, a freshman returning from a conservative district, said he is among those who worry that Emanuel’s centrist voice will be lost.
I talked to Larson [the man who will take Emanuel's place - Ben], I told him I was concerned about a move to the
left,” Altmire said. “Leadership gets the danger that exists. It
remains to be seen how this group interacts.”
A Democratic leadership aide says it’s less a shift in policy orientation than a concentration of power.
“The balance of power shifts up to Pelosi and [House Majority Leader Steny] Hoyer [D-Md.],” the leadership aide said, “not left or right.”
A Democratic leadership aide says it’s less a shift in policy orientation than a concentration of power.
“The balance of power shifts up to Pelosi and [House Majority Leader Steny] Hoyer [D-Md.],” the leadership aide said, “not left or right.”
Rahm Emanuel had a relatively good trade record in the House. The Cato Institute says that over his career, he voted against trade barriers 66% of the time, and against trade subsidies about 29% of the time.