Cordell Hull

  • Cordell Hull, U.S. Secretary of State, 1933-1944; Nobel Peace Prize winner, ardent free trader

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    Peter Gallagher

    Hi Ben,

    How many Republicans have been forced to resign from Ways and Means? It seems to be chiefly a Democrat fate. When I worked in Washington (a long time ago) Dan Rostenkowsi was Chair of Ways and Means. He was 'resigned' for cause, of course. But in his defense I would say that he and (the most pleasant, hardworking, canny Congressmen I ever met) Sam Gibbons (D-Fl, who chaired the Trade Sub-Committee) ran an intelligent, liberal Committee that had effective legislative impact. They also attracted some really good staff; among them a current Deputy Director-General of WTO, Rufus Yerxa.

    Kind regards,


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