Cordell Hull

  • Cordell Hull, U.S. Secretary of State, 1933-1944; Nobel Peace Prize winner, ardent free trader

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    Peter Gallagher

    Hi Ben,

    Thank you for the referral (and for the additional references).

    The third and final part of the series on preparing for an FTA negotiation is now up at

    Peter Gallagher

    Oops... sorry, Ben, I was getting ahead of myself. The most recent post is Part III. There will be a fourth part on public/private collaboration in preparation of a trade negotiation.




    hi, I would like to know if there are any documents talking about the private sector involvement in the FTAs, if so, could you please direct me to them?

    Thank you


    Ben Muse


    The post links to articles on how to organize within the government to pursue a negotiation. You can infer quite a bit about private sector involvement from the point of view of the government from them.

    If you're more interested in how an industry group should organize itself influence a negotiation, I'd suggest getting in touch with Peter Gallagher (; [email protected]). He's worked in this area and written on the topic.


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